December 2 -16, 2020 On-Boarding Employee Webinar Series
Cornell Agriculture Workforce Development is offering a webinar series, Safe, Productive, and Engaged from Day One, about on-boarding employees on December 2, 9 and 16. For more information, visit: https://agworkforce.cals.cornell.edu/2020/11/16/onboarding-webinar-series/
January 5-7, 2021 LI Agricultural Forum
The 40th Annual Long Island Ag Forum will be held virtually this year on January 5, 6, and 7. Stay tuned for program and registration information.

January 19, 26; February 2, 10, 17, 2020 LI Greenhouse & Florticulture Conference

Instead of a day-long program, this year the conference will be a series of webinars this winter. We’re working on putting the program together, so please let us me know if there are any topics that you’d love to learn more about! Email njc23@cornell.edu.